
Logan (he\him), 19 years old.
I only speak English reliably.
[No tags necessary.]

For safety, I don't have info on here about my accounts on other websites\services, with the exception of my Deviantart page.


Hi! I don't know what to say about myself but hopefully the rest of the carrd is helpful. I enjoy programming (rarely) and playing various video games. I'm also trying to learn Japanese, though progress is slow.

Comfort characters:
Ralsei (Deltarune). I love him. Very much.
Marie (Splatoon)
Franziska von Karma (Ace Attorney)

Characters which could be used as reference points for how I am:
-Homestuck: John, Aranea, ARquiussprite
-Nikola Tesla (not fictional I know)
-Maybe Bill from Bill & Ted
-Tenya Iida
Characters to whom I relate (in my own opinion):
-John and Aranea from Homestuck
-Robbie Rotten
-Joseph Joestar (young), Josuke Higashikata
-Tenya Iida

(The difference between the two categories, for anyone confused: the former set includes characters whose behaviors, attitudes, and personalities could be reasonably compared to mine with some degree of reliability [i.e. one could predict the other for certain situations]. I personally take pleasure in rapidly switching between casual and formal speech, so characters that seem to conflict really do not.
The latter set includes characters with whom I personally believe I have many traits in common, or at least seem to connect on some indescribable level, but who are not [necessarily] exceptionally similar to me.)

Before you follow:

(Lots to read here sorry! Don't worry, it's more information than requests or anything)
-I am not guaranteed to follow back since I get a fair amount of random follows, BUT if you want to be mutuals or anything my DMs are kept open!
-Likely to follow\back those with multiple shared interests!
-I don't tag much unless it's obviously something extreme in nature, or Ik someone who needs it tagged
-I keep my account SFW
-I retweet a lot, and it isn't really all the same kind of content, so I won't be offended if you turn off my RTs
-If I do anything that bothers you please tell me!
-I am not very likely to give out details of my other social media since they are a little more personal
-I usually don't sound excited in conversation but that's more my natural tone of language than how I feel
--On that same note, I'm not great at starting conversations but I love tweet interactions (as in replies, not 'like\rt' interactions) (don't be pressured to take any action though)

I won't follow back if:
-You have disdain for people on basis of race, religion, gender\identity, or sexual orientation
-You're just going to argue with me (this hasn't really happened, but I'd like to prevent it)

I really like:
-Back to the Future
-My Hero Academia (not caught up)
-Game & Watch series
-Splatoon (Mostly just 2)
-Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
-Ace Attorney (have only played the trilogy sorry)
-Jet Set Radio (currently playing first game)

I will actually tweet about or RT:
-Retrogaming (sometimes)
-Homestuck\Hiveswap (sometimes)
-Nintendo games


For people unfamiliar with certain terminology used on pages like this and elsewhere:
sb=softblock= blocking someone, then unblocking them (forces them to unfollow you)

mutual= someone who follows you, and who you follow. (Typically) maintains an online friendship with you

promo= promoting someone with the intent of them seeking additional prospective mutuals

byf=Before You Follow= information or conditions that you should read before following someone. Sometimes includes a DNFI section.

dnfi=Do Not Follow If= conditions which, if true, indicate that you should not follow the person. Typical format: "[dnfi\do not follow if] you are homophobic, racist, etc."

tweetdelete= the act of deleting all of one's prior tweets, or the service which does so

layout= on Twitter, this is a collective term referring to one's icon and header image, often also including display name, bio, and sometimes @-username or carrd. It is likely a term carried over from Tumblr.

shadowbanning= malicious automated Twitter feature which supposedly targets 'bad' users but more often just hits random people. 'Shadowbanned' users do not show up in your notification bar on Twitter and their Tweets cannot be found via search. The condition can last from days to weeks. Known causes: tweeting "thank you" or "thanks"
(Edit: "Thanks" seems to not trigger it any more. Shadowbanning does not seem to be the problem it once was, but I leave this section here just so people know.)

kin= characters a person very heavily relates to, often heavily enough that it can be a part of their identity. Due to former meanings\connotations of the word, I personally do not use it.

comfort character= character a person loves very dearly. Often, thinking about or talking about this character can produce a calming effect, or is just very pleasant, hence the term.

I hope this was helpful!